Thank You for visiting the Art Department.
The Art course at Junior Cert and Leaving Cert levels enables the student to develop their creative style.The subject is mainly project based and allows the students to pursue their own personal interests. Students explore many different media and learn many skills.There is great emphasis on experimenting with materials and process.
Students decide to study Art for many reasons. Many decide to study this subject because they are passionate about Art and others wish to pursue a career in this area on completion of school. In many cases it is a subject that students can achieve highly in. The layout of the course is split between practical and written components and this makes the subject very manageable at Leaving Cert Level.
Students are encouraged to visit galleries, museums and to develop an awareness and enjoyment of the visual world around them.They will learn to work independently and be self motivated. Skills are developed in time management and planning through individual self led project work.
At Leaving Cert level the written component of the curriculum focuses on History and Appreciation of Art which accounts for 37% of the overall grade.
Career Opportunities include:
Advertising, Fashion Design, Print making, Animation, Fine Art, Publishing, Graphic Design, Illustration, Teaching, Art History, Web Design.

Ms Gayle Richardson
Mr Michael Wilkinson