Thank you for visiting the guidance section of the website.
We offer a "listening ear" ( counselling), the benefit of career knowledge ( guidance) and class and "out of class" learning opportunities.
We offer students:
Personal Guidance and Counselling
One to one counselling on all matters that may affect a student's life and referral to appropriate outside and statutory agencies.
Educational Guidance
Professional advice on subject choice, study methods and exam techniques, organizational and planning skills.
Vocational and Career Guidance
The REACH career guidance programme provided in this school offers students the opportunity to research and explore relevant careers and courses of interest in Universities, Institutes of Technology, Colleges of Further Education, Apprenticeships etc.
Students also complete aptitude and interest tests as part of the career decision making process.
Guestspeakers from a wide range of courses are invited to come to the school to talk with sixth years to enable students to become more informed about different courses etc.
We strongly encourage students to attend open days to become more informed about a particular college/course.
Students can request an appointment by coming to the guidance offices. Referrals, on behalf of students, can also be made by teachers and parents.
We am always eager to assist students with any issue whether it is struggling to settle into first year, self esteem/personal issues or career related matters.
Ms Anita Cleary & Ms Stephanie Hayes
Career Guidance
Reach Programme: Please click on the link below for information on Guidance and Career Information:

Ms. Anita Cleary
Ms. Stephanie Hayes