Welcome to the Department of History at St. Farnans Post Primary, where we aim to provide a high quality, innovative programme of teaching and learning. History is offered to students at both Junior Cycle and Senior Cycle level.
"We are not makers of History, we are made by History'' ( Dr. Martin Luther King jr.).
An Overview of the structure of History in St Farnan's Post Primary School:
Junior Cycle:
- History is compulsory for all students in Junior Cycle.
- Students are placed in mixed ability classes in First Year.
- Classes are generally of mixed ability - A Common level course is pursued over the course of the three years.
Senior Cycle:
- History is an option subject at Senior Level.
- In practice, a student’s decision is influenced by the advice of the teacher they had in third year, by Junior Cycle results and by the level of History studied for Junior Cycle.
Transition Year:
- As part of the TY programme students undertake a Heritage Studies Module.
- This module aims to develop students key skills in the study of History.

Mr. de Turberville
Ms. Dowling
Mr Dockery
Mr. Curtin
Ms. Lawler
Ms. Lynch
Ms O ' Connor