In St. Farnan’s, we are dedicated to enabling students to reach their full potential in Mathematics. Students experience the world of Mathematics through discovery-based learning, practical examples, team teaching lessons and the use of visual representations.
We are committed to fostering an enjoyment of Mathematics in each student. This is achieved in our Maths classes and also through whole school events during Maths Week.
Teachers support students with appropriate levels of challenge offered by our various programmes at Higher, Ordinary & Foundation levels, Leaving Certificate Applied and the Level 2 Learning Programme on offer for some students.
Maths - Useful Resources & Reference Documents
Please click on the links below to access Maths resources which will support your Maths learning at Junior and Senior Cycle:
Junior Cycle Resources and Supports: https://archive.maths.nuim.ie/msc/resources/secondaryschoolresources/
Senior Cycle Resources and Supports: https://archive.maths.nuim.ie/msc/resources/secondaryschoolresources/leavingcertresources/
The Maths Department in Maynooth University offers a free drop-in support service for post-primary students - please click on the link below for more details:
Junior Cycle Maths - Curriculum Specification:
Senior Cycle Maths - Syllabus:

Ms. G. Mahony
Ms. J. Weir
Mr. K Forde
Mr. N. Kenna
Mr. D. Thornton
Ms. J. Bradshaw
Ms. K Mather