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Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspection Guide for parents/guardians January 2024

10th Jan 2024

What is a CPSI inspection?

Two Inspectors from the Department of Education Inspectorate will be in school next week to carry out a comprehensive inspection of our Child Protection and Safeguarding policies and procedures and will include school planning in the areas of SPHE, RSE and Well-Being as well as the usual checks on Anti-Bullying procedures.

The inspectors will have meetings with representatives from the Staff, Board of Management and there will be a group discussion meeting with a sample of Junior and Senior Cycle students also next Tuesday. 

Inspectors can only meet with students who have written consent from parents/guardians. Forms will be distributed on Monday next when the inspectors chose students they wish to meet.

Please access the links below to find out more about this important work.

All up-to-date & relevant St Farnan's PPS policies (Child Safeguarding Statement, Risk Assessment and Review, Anti-Bullying, Inclusion, draft RSE and draft Gender Identify policies) can be accessed under the Policies tab in our website.

There will also be a Parent Survey which parents/guarding are invited to complete. This link will be texted on Thursday 11th Jan and must be completed by 5pm Monday 15th Jan 2024.