Access Keys:

School will reopen on Tuesday 7th Jan 2025 for the full day. Please take extreme care when waiting for and alighting from buses, crossing the roads and walking to school. Many footpaths will be very slippery in the morning as will the path through Prosperous Park and the school grounds.
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Message from the school's Care Team

12th Jan 2021

In St. Farnan's Post Primary School, we have a very active Student Support Team made up of Andrew Little (HSCL), Anita Cleary (Guidance), Caroline Cooke (SCP) and Annette Duggan (Counsellor).

In addition, our school management team, yearheads, tutors and Additional Educational Teaching team (AET) contribute to the support team.

We have established an email account for both students and their parents/guardians to contact if they need emotional support/ advice around wellbeing/ signposts to outside services and agencies and guidance around learning (both in school and remotely). Please feel free to use the following email address to seek support and advice:  

The emails are monitored daily and we will respond to you as soon as practicable.