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School will reopen on Tuesday 7th Jan 2025 for the full day. Please take extreme care when waiting for and alighting from buses, crossing the roads and walking to school. Many footpaths will be very slippery in the morning as will the path through Prosperous Park and the school grounds.
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School of Life - Work Experience Etiquette

6th Sep 2019

Written by Aoileann O'Mahony & Suzanne Carew.

On Wednesday the 4th of July, Michelle Harding from School Of Life came into all the transition year students to do a workshop on work experience preparation.

Throughout this workshop we learned many skills including, how to greet somebody with a proper handshake, listening skills, how to take complaints, punctuality, and table manners. One of these that everybody enjoyed was the table manners. We all set around a fully set table and we were  thought how to properly dine. We all had a good laugh with Michelle during this but learned a lot as well. We learned how to hold the knife and fork properly. We also learned what side all the different cutlery should be placed when dining or decorating the table. These skills will benefit the transition year student when working or searching for jobs in the future.

We are extremely great full we had the opportunity to have a professional like Michelle to do this with us.