Access Keys:

School will reopen on Tuesday 7th Jan 2025 for the full day. Please take extreme care when waiting for and alighting from buses, crossing the roads and walking to school. Many footpaths will be very slippery in the morning as will the path through Prosperous Park and the school grounds.
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TY Update - January 11th 2021.

11th Jan 2021

Dear TY Students,

I hope you are all keeping well and that you are well rested after the longer Christmas break.  

As you know, we will all be working from home for the moment, but I believe we are all in a better position now to cope with these arrangements and I hope and trust that you will all do your best to fully engage with your learning while we are in lockdown.  

The teachers have made plans to deliver their subjects through a combination of assigned work and online classes so you will be hearing from them all in the next day or so, if not already. Teachers will be taking note of who is attending their online classes and returning work, so please make sure you do not miss anything.  

In addition to the assignments that you will be doing, you are asked to keep working on your Online courses. You should aim to complete a number of these every week, preferably in each of the three categories.   

If you are able to attend your Work Experience and it is within the restrictions guidelines for you to do so, you can continue to do this on Wednesdays.    

I am also setting you all a Weekly Practical Challenge, for which there will be weekly winners and prizes, as well as additional credits towards your end of year award. This week's challenge is for you to cook a meal for your family - details attached - we need photographic evidence so please take photos of your planning, shopping, menu, table setting, food preparation and final results etc.    

Your weekly file has been amended to allow you to fill in the details of these activities, as well as a catch-up page for you to fill in the last week of the last term when you had your interviews etc. Please aim to complete your weekly diary by the Friday of each week and save it in a folder for you to print when we get back to school. Emailing it to yourself is another good way of making sure you have it when we get back to school.

As always, keep in touch and email me if you have any questions or issues, it will all be fine!  

Take care and good luck, Ms. Flanagan.